Privacy Notice

This is the privacy notice of smART Decorative Arts. 

In this document, “we”, “our”, or “us” refer to smART Decorative Arts.


  1. This is a notice to inform you of our policy about all information that we record about you. It sets out the conditions under which we may process any information that we collect from you, or that you provide to us. It covers information that could identify you (“personal information”) and information that could not. In the context of the law and this notice, “process” means collect, store, transfer, use or otherwise act on information.

  2. We regret that if there are one or more points below with which you are not happy, your only recourse is to leave our website immediately.

  3. We take seriously the protection of your privacy and confidentiality. We understand that all visitors to our website are entitled to know that their personal data will not be used for any purpose unintended by them, and will not accidentally fall into the hands of a third party.

  4. We undertake to preserve the confidentiality of all information you provide to us, and hope that you reciprocate.

  5. Our policy complies with UK law accordingly implemented, including that required by the EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).

  6. The law requires us to tell you about your rights and our obligations to you in regards to the processing and control of your personal data. We do this now, by requesting that you read the information provided at

  7. Except as set out below, we do not share, or sell, or disclose to a third party, any information collected through our website.

The bases on which we process information about you

The law requires us to determine under which of six defined bases we process different categories of your personal information, and to notify you of the basis for each category.

If a basis on which we process your personal information is no longer relevant then we shall immediately stop processing your data.

If the basis changes if required by law we shall notify you of the change and of any new basis under which we have determined that we can continue to process your information.

1. Information we process because we have a contractual obligation with you

When you create an account on our website, buy a product or service from us, or otherwise agree to our terms and conditions, a contract is formed between you and us.

In order to carry out our obligations under that contract we must process the information you give us. Some of this information may be personal information.

We may use it in order to:

  • sell products to you

  • provide you with our services

  • provide you with suggestions and advice on products, services and how to obtain the most from using our website

We process this information on the basis there is a contract between us, or that you have requested we use the information before we enter into a legal contract.

Additionally, we may aggregate this information in a general way and use it to provide class information, for example to monitor our performance with respect to a particular service we provide. If we use it for this purpose, you as an individual will not be personally identifiable.

We shall continue to process this information until the contract between us ends or is terminated by either party under the terms of the contract.

2. Information we process with your consent

Through certain actions when otherwise there is no contractual relationship between us, such as when you browse our website or ask us to provide you more information about our business, our products and services, you provide your consent to us to process information that may be personal information.

Wherever possible, we aim to obtain your explicit consent to process this information, for example, by asking you to agree to our use of cookies.

Sometimes you might give your consent implicitly, such as when you send us a message by e-mail to which you would reasonably expect us to reply.

Except where you have consented to our use of your information for a specific purpose, we do not use your information in any way that would identify you personally. We may aggregate it in a general way and use it to provide information, for example to monitor the performance of a particular page on our website.

3. Information we process for the purposes of legitimate interests

We may process information on the basis there is a legitimate interest, either to you or to us, of doing so.

Where we process your information on this basis, we do so after having given careful consideration to:

  • whether the same objective could be achieved through other means

  • whether processing (or not processing) might cause you harm

  • whether you would expect us to process your data, and whether you would, in the round, consider it reasonable to do so

For example, we may process your data on this basis for the purposes of:

  • record-keeping for the proper and necessary administration of our business

  • responding to unsolicited communication from you to which we believe you would expect a response

  • protecting and asserting the legal rights of any party

  • insuring against or obtaining professional advice that is required to manage business risk

  • protecting your interests where we believe we have a duty to do so

4. Information we process because we have a legal obligation

We are subject to the law like everyone else. Sometimes, we must process your information in order to comply with a statutory obligation.

For example, we may be required to give information to legal authorities if they so request or if they have the proper authorisation such as a search warrant or court order.

This may include your personal information.

Use of information we collect through automated systems when you visit our website

5. Cookies

Cookies are small text files that are placed on your computer’s hard drive by your web browser when you visit any website. They allow information gathered on one web page to be stored until it is needed for use on another, allowing a website to provide you with a personalised experience and the website owner with statistics about how you use the website so that it can be improved.

Some cookies may last for a defined period of time, such as one day or until you close your browser. Others last indefinitely.

Your web browser should allow you to delete any you choose. It also should allow you to prevent or limit their use.

Our website uses cookies. They are placed by software that operates on our servers, and by software operated by third parties whose services we use.

Cookies In Use on This Site

Our website uses cookies, as almost all websites do, to help provide you with the best experience we can. Cookies are small text files that are placed on your computer or mobile phone when you browse websites

Our cookies help us:

  • Make our website work as you’d expect

  • Improve the speed/security of the site

  • Continuously improve our website for you

We do not use cookies to:

  • Collect any personally identifiable information (without your express permission)

  • Collect any sensitive information (without your express permission)

  • Pass data to advertising networks

  • Pass personally identifiable data to third parties

  • Pay sales commissions

You can learn more about all the cookies we use below

Granting us permission to use cookies

If the settings on your software that you are using to view this website (your browser) are adjusted to accept cookies we take this, and your continued use of our website, to mean that you are fine with this. Should you wish to remove or not use cookies from our site you can learn how to do this below, however doing so will likely mean that our site will not work as you would expect.

More about our Cookies

Website Function Cookies

We use cookies to make our website work including session cookies

There is no way to prevent these cookies being set other than to not use our site.

Third party functions

Our site, like most websites, includes functionality provided by third parties. Our site includes the following which may use cookies:

  • Embedded YouTube video

  • Embedded Instagram feed

  • Embedded links to other sites pertinent to our content

  • Secure payment facilities via PayPal

Disabling these cookies will likely break the functions offered by these third parties

Anonymous Visitor Statistics Cookies

We use cookies to compile visitor statistics such as how many people have visited our website, what type of technology they are using (e.g. Mac or Windows which helps to identify when our site isn’t working as it should for particular technologies), how long they spend on the site, what page they look at etc. This helps us to continuously improve our website. These so called “analytics” programs also tell us if , on an anonymous basis, how people reached this site (e.g. from a search engine) and whether they have been here before helping us to put more money into developing our services for you instead of marketing spend.

We use Google Analytics

Turning Cookies Off

You can usually switch cookies off by adjusting your browser settings to stop it from accepting cookies (Learn how here). Doing so will likely limit the functionality of this site. A large proportion of the world’s websites use cookies as standard and need them to function properly.

It may be that you concerns around cookies relate to”spyware”. Rather than switching off cookies in your browser you may find that anti-spyware software achieves the same objective by automatically deleting cookies considered to be invasive. Learn more about managing cookies with antispyware software.

6. Personal identifiers from your browsing activity

Requests by your web browser to our servers for web pages and other content on our website are recorded.

We record information such as your geographical location, your Internet service provider and your IP address. We also record information about the software you are using to browse our website, such as the type of computer or device and the screen resolution.

We use this information in aggregate to assess the popularity of the webpages on our website and how we perform in providing content to you.

If combined with other information we know about you from previous visits, the data possibly could be used to identify you personally, even if you are not signed in to our website.

7. Data may be processed outside the European Union

Our website is powered by Squarespace and hosted in the USA.

We may also use outsourced services in countries outside the European Union from time to time in other aspects of our business.

Accordingly data obtained within the UK or any other country could be processed outside the European Union.

For example, some of the software our website uses may have been developed in the United States of America or in Australia.

We use the following safeguards with respect to data transferred outside the European Union:

  • As with existing law, the GDPR requires that certain safeguards be put in place when transferring personal data outside the EU. Our website is powered by Squarespace. We use our hosting service to store your name and associated email address in the following instances:

    • Signing up to our mailing list

    • Enquiries and communication via our contact form or email address

    • Placement of orders via our online store

    • We DO NOT store any payment information provided via our online store

    Squarespace have self-certified to the EU-US and Swiss-US Privacy Shield, which allows us to lawfully transfer EU and Swiss personal data to the US, including to our US-based data centres. You can read more about Squarespace’s Privacy Shield certifications here.

  • Payments through our online store are powered by PayPal, this means that on purchasing artwork from us, you will be redirected to PayPal to make your payment. You can review PayPal’s privacy policy here.

Access to your own information

8.  Access to your personal information

  • At any time you may review or update personally identifiable information that we hold about you, by contacting us via our contact form or

  • To obtain a copy of any information that is not provided on our website you may send us a request via our contact form.

  • After receiving the request, we will tell you when we expect to provide you with the information, and whether we require any fee for providing it to you.

9. Removal of your information

If you wish us to remove personally identifiable information from our website, you may contact us.

This may limit the service we can provide to you.

10. Verification of your information

When we receive any request to access, edit or delete personal identifiable information we shall first take reasonable steps to verify your identity before granting you access or otherwise taking any action. This is important to safeguard your information.

Other matters

11. Use of site by children

  • We do not sell products or provide services for purchase by children, nor do we market to children.

12. Encryption of data sent between us

We use Secure Socket Layer (SSL) certificates to verify our identity to your browser and to encrypt any data you give us.

Whenever information is transferred between us, you can check that it is done so using SSL by looking for a closed padlock symbol or other trust mark in your browser’s URL bar or toolbar.

13. How you can complain

  • If you are not happy with our privacy policy or if have any complaint then you can let us know via our contact form.

  • If a dispute is not settled then we hope you will agree to attempt to resolve it by engaging in good faith with us in a process of mediation or arbitration.

  • If you are in any way dissatisfied about how we process your personal information, you have a right to lodge a complaint with the Information Commissioner’s Office. This can be done at

14. Retention period for personal data

Except as otherwise mentioned in this privacy notice, we keep your personal information only for as long as required by us:

  • to provide you with the services you have requested;

  • to comply with other law, including for the period demanded by our tax authorities;

  • to support a claim or defence in court.

15. Compliance with the law

Our privacy policy has been compiled so as to comply with the law of every country or legal jurisdiction in which we aim to do business. If you think it fails to satisfy the law of your jurisdiction, we should like to hear from you.

However, ultimately it is your choice as to whether you wish to use our website.

16. Review of this privacy policy

We may update this privacy notice from time to time as necessary. The terms that apply to you are those posted here on our website on the day you use our website. We advise you to print a copy for your records.

If you have any question regarding our privacy policy, please contact us.