Uninhibited no.1


Uninhibited no.1


10” x 10” Deep Edge (1.4”), Mixed Media on Canvas


Uninhibited no.1 was the first painting I completed while exploring the use of brighter more vibrant colours. Inspired by the interesting decorative imagery produced when exterior surfaces are left to deteriorate and be adorned by nature, before being adorned by mans hand with graffiti, repainted and so on.

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The Uninhibited series depicts the style of abandoned yet adorned interior and exterior decorative surfaces.

Using a range of materials common in specialist decoration, conservation and fine art practice; these abstract pieces, portray the lively alluring imagery of unsanctioned creativity, upon the captivating beauty of naturally decaying decorative surfaces. A mixture of techniques developed to conserve and restore decorative surfaces are combined with artificial ageing techniques, to treat differing combinations of domestic paint mediums, artists paints, inks and mediums.

If you would like to commission a painting in the Uninhibited series style, head over to our commissions page, or you can contact us via our contact form or info@smartdecarts.com.